blackberry storm

the blackberry storm is the worst phone on the face of the planet.

if someone got one for me for valentine's day, i'd give it back. i would consider it a cop out for trying to avoid putting thought into getting a decent gift.

i am freaked out at the moment

so far it's been a pretty good day with the arrival of my new das keyboard ultimate.

by far this is the best keyboard i have ever typed on. i got the ultimate edition because it has no letters on the keys for touch typing (meaning that i never have to look down at the keyboard when i type...this adds to my awesomeness). it has german engineered cherry switches which give them a light click for audio and tactile feedback. it is kind of noisy because of it, but i enjoy the feeling of typing on the board.

this part was the only highlight today, though. freaking crazy winds are bashing my house. i want to take a shower before work but i don't want the power to go out (which is my ultimate fear) or my whole house to blow away. our trees keep rubbing up against our house which makes me even more freaked.

i am thinking of just going into work early so i can be around people when i die. ...i'd rather not die alone. i'd especially like it if i could have a few more days with my keyboard.

oh yea, and my new mouse too. my lovely logitech g9 mouse. more on that later.

i am going to shower whilst there isn't any wind.


i think we need a reformation in our school systems. especially high school, and heck, even middle school.

after chatting about it in eng 201 tonight, i really do believe we're going to need it, or we are going to have an epidemic of the supposed "uneducated". now i know, you can be educated without going to school. but, as for as "advanced" knowledge, we're going to need a way to keep students interested and drawn into education before they are lost before college.

i don't like to see my friends not go on to college because they were burned by high school. it's always nice to hear someone say that it is all going to get better. but, with so many different things for kids to be doing besides school work (i.e. gaming, drinking, etc) it's hard to keep them reassured.

I think we need to look at different countries and what they're doing because they are producing more advanced individuals who are creating this amazing marvels.

oh well, 15 min break is over, back to class.


it's been six days since ive blogged.
i need to catch up.

-9 C

It was really cold today.

Besides that, my friends (along with myself) played a funny joke on a friend of ours. A girl approached our table asking if we wanted to write a love note to our "valentine" that would then be published in our university's newspaper. We wrote it to some girl that has a huge crush on our friend, Alex.

i don't exactly remember what it says but i think it's something like: " I like you too, and I hope that we can have a future together. " baha. luckily it just shows who posted it in the paper, not exactly who it is to.

it is cruel i know. but hilarious.
and totally worth the outrageous 5 dollars it cost.

On another note, I made it onto a professional gaming team: here's the story.
Last night, I was bored, so I popped in a game and started playing a bit online. Unknowingly I was placed on a server that was holding tryouts for a team. (i didn't know that this was going on) so I start playing and I am dominating. I was having a good night. fast kills, good communication, you know...

so when we're in the lobby, my stats (still i do not know what is going on) are being reviewed by the heads of the team. then i get a message saying someone wants to private chat with you. i get invited to a chat room where they are all saying "congrats!!! you're in" etc. they are telling me everything i need to sign up for and how to get started. i really have no idea what they're talking about so i simply say. "i dont think i am in the right place...what am I 'in'?" they all stopped and started laughing. and the team captain says "you're being serious aren't you?" I said yes, and then they explained.

then i explained that i didnt know i was trying out for anything. but, i accepted their invitation.

so for the next week, ill be battling it out with the team on a few games so they can get to know me. i was in the wrong place at the right time, i suppose. oh well.
